Panospin Panorama Processing
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Panospin Panoramic Processing

ATTENTION: Panospin Panoramic Software is temporary not available. A new version is still in progress. A new external bracketing tool will be available too. Try the panorama gallery!


Learn more about Panospin by reading these pages

Purpose Braketing Projections Post Processing

Spheric Image

Cubic Image


Panospin features spheric and cubic projections.

Panospin also converts cubic panoramas to spheric.

It is possible to use copy/paste to work at cubic images from Panospin in any other Application and finally convert them to a spheric panorama.

So, for example, you can put your graphics, logos etc. into a cubic panorama and then convert it into spheric format to create a PTViewer website.

The view direction can be chosen by setting the vector params.

Create breathtaking panorama images even for printing on paper.

Print Dialog

Print Panorama

Panospin prints spheric and cubic panoramas.

in the Page preview you can set position, size, and more params.

Print partial images, spheric panorama images and cubic views which you can fold to a real 3D object.

Generate Thumbnails

Image Formats, integrated Batch Processing

Panospin converts TIFF to JPEG/Bitmap. It loads and saves JPEG and Bitmap Files.

Panospin features also a simple Generator for JPEG and Bitmap Thumbnail images.

Cut Images Dialog

Cut Source Images

To cut the Source images set three points using the left mouse button at the border of the fisheye circle. The selected area will be inverted.

After cutting, images can be rotated to the best position for the following stitch process.

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